James Austin Johnson, a cast member of the popular show Saturday Night Live, recently opened up about his nerve-wracking experience impersonating Adam Driver. In an interview with GQ, Johnson shared his excitement at the opportunity to portray the talented actor, known for his roles in movies like Star Wars and Marriage Story.
Despite his admiration for Driver’s work, Johnson admitted to feeling anxious about performing his impression in front of the actor himself. Describing Driver as both a formidable presence and a gifted artist, Johnson explained how intimidating it was to mimic someone as respected as Driver.
During the encounter, Johnson revealed that Driver maintained a stoic expression while watching him perform the impression. However, Johnson found some solace when Driver eventually acknowledged the humor in his portrayal, assuring him that he found it funny.
Overall, Johnson’s experience highlights the challenges and rewards of impersonating a well-known figure like Adam Driver. Despite the initial nerves, Johnson was able to showcase his talent and receive validation from the actor himself. The interaction serves as a testament to both Johnson’s skills as an impressionist and Driver’s good-natured attitude towards being impersonated.