Biden adopts Trump’s false accusation of terrorism against Cuba

On this day four years ago, a week after the MAGA brigades stormed the Capitol, Donald Trump’s outgoing administration put Cuba on the State Sponsors of Terrorism list. Despite expectations of a prompt reversal by Joe Biden, Cuba remains on the list, causing controversy and economic hardship.

Cuba’s History on the SSOT list

Cuba was first placed on the SSOT list in 1982 by the Reagan administration. The justification lacked evidence linking Cuba to specific acts of terrorism while Reagan supported the Contras, a notorious insurgency in the region. Cuba remained on the list until Obama’s historic détente in 2015. However, the Trump administration reinstated Cuba on the list in its final days with stretched justifications.

Impact of SSOT designation on Cuba

The SSOT designation has severely impacted Cuba’s economy by restricting trade, credit, and investment. Ben Rhodes referred to it as the most punishing sanction. This has led to a decline in tourism and scientific collaboration, further exacerbating Cuba’s economic challenges.

Controversy Surrounding Biden’s Decision

The Biden administration’s refusal to remove Cuba from the SSOT list has been met with criticism and confusion. Contradictory statements have been made regarding the review of Cuba’s status, with officials providing vague justifications that do not align with the reality of Cuba’s counterterrorism efforts.

Global Efforts to Reverse the Designation

Organizations, individuals, and world leaders have called for the removal of Cuba from the SSOT list. Despite international pressure and UN resolutions, Biden has aligned with hard-liners on this issue, leading to further economic hardship for Cuba.

Future Outlook

As the Biden administration nears its end, there is little indication that Cuba will be removed from the terrorism list. This policy, deemed counterproductive and outdated, has driven Cuba into economic collapse and closer alliances with global powers, without benefiting US interests.

In Summary

The persistence of Cuba on the SSOT list reflects political cowardice and misguided policies that have failed to bring about positive outcomes. The ongoing economic war on Cuba continues to impact its citizens and hinder progress towards normalization of relations.

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