The factors that led to Kamala Harris losing the 2024 election to Donald Trump went beyond just turnout

Donald Trump did not win the 2024 election – the Democratic Party lost it, according to Michael Podhorzer, a former political director of the AFL-CIO and author of the highly influential Substack, Weekend Reading. In his recently published newsletter, Podhorzer argues that America did not shift rightward in 2024 but rather “couchward.” The Democratic Party’s loss was attributed to a collapse in turnout among “anti-MAGA” voters. Podhorzer suggests that Democrats should focus on mobilizing young, disaffected anti-Trump voters by addressing their desire for systemic change, rather than moving right to win over swing voters.

One of the key causes of the demobilization of voters in 2024, as outlined by Podhorzer, was the failure of the media, the Biden administration, and Democrats in Congress to convey the “existential dangers” of a second Trump administration. Addressing concerns over inflation, immigration, and crime, as well as alerting voters to the dangers of Republican rule, are essential for Democrats to regain support and win elections in the future.

Despite some aspects of Podhorzer’s analysis being correct, there are challenges that Democrats need to address. For instance, voters who backed Biden in 2020 but stayed home in 2024 may not necessarily be resolutely anti-Trump. Young, first-time voters also turned against the Democratic Party, indicating a shift in attitudes and priorities among certain demographics.

In the Biden era, American voters did become more conservative in some of their values and priorities, particularly on issues like immigration, criminal justice, and economic judgment. To succeed in future elections, Democrats must acknowledge these shifts and work on appealing to a broader base of voters, including those who may have been swayed by aspects of Trump’s message.

In conclusion, Democrats must recognize the changing political landscape and adapt their strategies to address the concerns and priorities of a diverse electorate. By understanding the reasons behind their loss in 2024 and making necessary adjustments, the party can position itself for success in future elections.
