Abraham: The Political Prophet and Trump’s Soft Power

The Abraham Accords: A Path to Regional Harmony

Among Donald Trump’s successes in foreign policy was the historic signing of the Abraham Accords between September and December 2020. Signed by the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, Sudan, and Israel, the Accords paved the way for a potential peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel. The Accords highlighted the importance of regional harmony and marked a shift towards spiritual diplomacy by centering the Prophet Abraham in political discourse.

The Abraham Accords introduced the concept of “Abrahamism,” a unified approach that aligns Muslims, Christians, and Jews under a common ancestry and shared beliefs. This theological shift aims to bridge the religious divide in the region and promote peace through a new perspective on regional politics.

However, the adoption of religious narratives to establish international peace treaties raises questions about the application of international law. While the Abraham Accords offer a novel approach to resolving conflicts, they also present challenges in addressing territorial disputes and legal frameworks in the Middle East.

As the world anticipates the return of Donald Trump to office, the future of the Middle East remains uncertain. Trump’s administration, with its pro-Israel stance, is expected to prioritize regional stability, potentially impacting the ongoing conflicts in the region. The role of the Abraham Accords in shaping the political landscape and promoting religious harmony will continue to be a topic of discussion.

In conclusion, the Abraham Accords represent a unique approach to regional peace, blending religion with politics to create a platform for dialogue and cooperation. Whether this new paradigm will lead to lasting peace in the Middle East remains to be seen, but the Accords have undoubtedly sparked a new chapter in the region’s diplomatic history.

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